The present day global scenario has put always a challenge before all. The work ethics is never confined to the then approach of being satisfied with little. The manifold areas envisage the management to have clear foresight, visualize the future at the moment under the dynamism of management system. Form the above prospect it could be realized that the challenges and responsibilities before the management are abided by certain fundamental principles. Recruitment , training, motivation, security, competition, standardization , prompt management, , better communication, empathy among the workers, interpersonal relationship, good rapport between management and employees are the basic fundamental areas which are need to be taken care. The present case study aims at studying the major challenges and responsibilities which are much required to be taken care by the managements after the Courthouse Hotel to be owned by another businessman. The challenges are studied vividly with their outcomes and possible responsibilities to overcome them have also been suggested.
The courthouse hotel scenario has the following staffing issues:
1. Recruitment of new Staff
Since there is addition of a Porter service, room service operations, new banqueting suits, an a la carte restaurant and a leisure club. So recruitment and training of new staff is a must
2. Training of new and old staff
The training of new staff those are recruited and the old staff is very much essential to update them with the latest methodologies of the hospitality operations and this is very important with respect to the case study as the hotel will have an up gradation of the hotel.
3. Lack of Flexibility in staff
Deciphering the case study, it can be seen that the old staffs are not so flexible with their work schedule .They are used to early shift or late shifts and since it deals with mostly business clients they are not used to weekend
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