Dave Collins, president of H.I.D., sat down at the conference table with his management team members,
Karen Setz, Tony Briggs, Dave King, and Art
Johnson. H.I.D. owns ten Holiday Inns in Georgia, eight hotels of different types in Canada, and one property in the Caribbean. It also owns two Quality
Inns in Georgia. Dave Collins and his managers got together to define their mission and goals and to set strategic plans. As they began their strategic planning session, the consultant they had hired suggested that each describe what he or she wanted for the com- pany's domestic operations in the next ten years—how many hotels it should own, where to locate them, and who the target market was. Another question he asked them to consider was what the driving force of the company should be—that is, the single characteristic that would separate H.I.D. from other companies.
The team members wrote their answers on flip-charts, and the consultant summarized the results.
Dave Collins's goal included 50 hotels in ten years, with the number increasing to 26 or 27 in five years.
All the other members saw no more than 20 hotels in ten years and a maximum of 15 or 16 within five years. Clearly there was disagreement among the top managers about long-term goals and the desirable growth rate.
With the consultant's direction, team members began to critique their growth targets. Dave King, director of operations and development, observed,
"We just can't build that many hotels in that time period, certainly not given our current staffing, or any reasonable staffing we could afford. I don't see how we could achieve that goal." Art Johnson, the account- ant, agreed. Karen Setz then asked, "Could we build them all in Georgia? You know we've centered on the medium-priced hotel in smaller towns. Do we need to move to bigger towns now, such as Jacksonville, or add another to the one we have in Atlanta?" Dave
Collins responded, "We have an opportunity