Methods Of Research
Submitted to the Faculty of the
College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Cavite State University
Imus, Cavite
In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Janet Pauline S. Rivera
February 2012
Today, most of the Hotels provide services using computer system. It helps to perform task in an easy way with less time consume. Some companies are become fully automated while others strive for the similar setting. Computer programmers develop things like computer system that the rest of us could use. They make programs that users can easily used or understand.
Hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The cost and the quality of hotels are usually indicative of the range and type of services available. Due to the enormous increase in tourism worldwide during the last decades of 20th century, standards, especially those of smaller establishments, have improved considerably. Hotels are independently assessed in traditional systems and these rely heavily on the facilities provided.
Based on research, some of the Hotels in the Philippines don’t have an existing Website, which may help the business to be commercialized to the public. Hotels might only have a Facebook page wherein, customers can see information about the hotel. In that page, they have some information about their hotel; they have pictures of their rooms in their page, to be able for the customers to see the beauty of the hotel, information about room rates and accommodation. They can also receive reservation through their Facebook page or through e-mail.
The researcher conducts this study for them to have their website wherein, customers can read and see more the beauty of the said hotel. More information will be shown on the website. This site also has reservation system wherein customers will just go online