The creators of advertisements try to create a rhetorical situation by creating a certain tone or image in dating website advertisements. A commercial for example is trying to persuade you or inform you into doing or knowing something. Online dating has become very popular. Online dating websites allow you to socialize with other individuals seeking same interest as you. Match, E harmony, and Christian mingle create rhetorical situations, which make single indiviuals believe love is the only way to acheive happines, to do so they must join their websites. is an online dating sites that has become very famous over the years. They have made their commercials mostly dedicated to single individuals, looking for love. uses happy, beautiful, outgoing, and even statistical numbers in their commercials if the rest didn't leer you in. The commercial over all has a very comforting feeling, the lights are dim, no one met with a psycho, and they seem very happy to meet the other person. The commercial was very universal in age, they had an older couple, and younger couples. All of the couples met and started talking right away, they were eating, laughing, enjoying their night, and each person looked great. website focuses on finding your true love, they show and tell the experiences of tpeopleple afterwards. make their website look very easy to use and they never mention the price of the monthly service. Commercials have been made out for you to be intrigued into a product or service, every commercial gives out a special message, and online dating sites are no different( commercial made very good point's across 30 seconds. They brought statistics in the commercial stating that 1 in 5 relationships now begin on an online dating site. That makes a big statement. The opening statement states that "you are now more likely to meet