An intranet is a private network that is contained within an enterprise. Unlike the Internet, intranets are private and restrict access to employees (Stroman, Wilson, Wauson 2012). Organisations can allow access to their intranet, for customers’ if required via an extranet. An extranet is part of an intranet that is accessible by outside parties, for access to documents that they may require (e.g. order forms, pricing documents, product brochures and updated terms and conditions).
Knowledge sharing (KS) is an important part in the running of an organisation. Managers are always looking at ways to become more efficient in KS. Intranets have emerged as an effective way of sharing information and knowledge in organisations (Natarajan, M 2008). An intranet enhances communication between employees; provide a common knowledge base and a storage area for all documentation requiring access by employees.
An intranet is an invaluable tool for presenting organisational information as it provides a central location for employees to access company data, systems and processes. Intranets promote common corporate culture, as users are all viewing the same information. A popular interface for an intranet is via a web browser which offers a familiar workspace for users.
Research has proven that for an intranet to be successful it needs to offer a diverse range of information, if the information shared is not diverse the intranet is bound to fail (Robertson, J 2007). All information that is available on an intranet should be constantly updated to ensure that the documents are the current versions all staff are
References: 1. Mpindiwa, L 2010, Impact of Intranet as a knowledge sharing tool: experiences of ZIMRA, The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), viewed 21 March 2013, . 2. Natarajan, M 2008, ‘Knowledge sharing through intranet’, DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, vol. 28, no. 5, pp 5-12, viewed 21 March 2013, 3. Robertson, J 2007,Three fundamental purposes of an intranet, Step Two Designs, viewed 20 March 2013, 4. Stroman, J, Wilson, K, Wauson, J 2012, Administrative Assistant 's and Secretary 's Handbook, 4th edn, AMACOM, books24x7, viewed 18 March 2013