Self-confidence is often described as a positive, yet realistic attitude that provides the self-esteem necessary to achieve goals. It affords you a certain amount of trust in your own abilities, traits and attributes. It influences your expectations in a sensible and pragmatic fashion. With self-confidence, you don't shy away from challenges, risks or the unknown. You have the assurance, belief and reliance in most everything you do. Even so-called failures don't skew your self-image or self-worth. While this description may make it seem like self-confidence is a God-given trait, it is something you can learn. And now here is some steps teach us how we can attain self-confidence: 1. Use the power of positive thought. Sometimes, changing the way you look at something can give you the self-confidence needed to try it. You've no doubt heard people say that a glass is half-full rather than half-empty. This is the idea of positive thought. It's actively changing your perception of any given situation from the negative to the positive. 2. Evaluate yourself. Take time each day to evaluate all of your successes, triumphs and achievements as well as your strengths, assets and individuality. Even the small victories and slightest eccentricities are occasions for celebration. However, don't get caught up in the end results. It's the attempt, the process and the journey that hold the true value of accomplishment, so celebrate everything you try, not simply that which you complete.
3. Build on your strengths and successes. After you've evaluated yourself, start to build on those strengths and successes. Everyone is good at something. Actually, people are good at a multitude of things. Identifying and using your strengths and successes can pave the way to better self-confidence. 4. Set goals, but keep them realistic. Realistic goals provide a trajectory to your life. They can encourage a