Furthermore, I plan to develop her quantity confidence by not expecting failure and getting rid of the negative energy that surround me.
If I don’t expect failure to happen in my life then that will defiantly help my confidence. Expecting failure will lower my confidence but not expecting failure will boost my confidence. As well as getting rid of the negative energy that surround me, I feel as if someone is not going to lift me up and believe in me then I shouldn’t keep them around me. It wouldn’t help my confidence it will just bring it down. So getting rid of negative energy and incortting positive energy in my life will really help my
confidence. I will use her quantity confidence to help reach my goals in many ways. One of my goals is to graduate high school. I will reach that goal because I have confidence in myself that I will graduate high school. That comes from me wanting to graduate. It all starts from meeting all the requirements and that comes from staying positive and making it happen even if I had a couple setbacks while reaching my goal. Another goal that I have is to make it to states in track and field. If I have confidence in myself that I can make it to states then it will happen. I know there are a lot of people who will doubt me, but I will have to ignore the negative people and remain positive. I know I can reach both goals from being confidence because I remain positive about both goals and keep my eyes on the prize. If I see myself making progress then my confidence level is already boosting and on its way to reaching my goals.