The Greeks and the Americans have a lot in common, such as their architecture, living style, and democracy. But the main aspects I will talk about are death and burial, victory and conquest, Gods, goddesses, and heroes, Animals real and imagined, Greek democracy, Architecture, Living style, American cities/Greek names, Epics and actors. All These aspects are divided into nine portions. The portion with the most similarities is death and burial. In the time of the ancient Greeks death came at a young age, men died in war/battle, and mothers died giving birth. Till now young men die at young ages, men die at war, and mother still die while giving birth. The second aspect is victory and conquests. Victory and conquests also has a lot of similarities to the Americans. Victory was the goal; training/conditioning was the most important preparation for war. Similarly today victory is the main goal for the Americans and training/conditioning is still the most important preparation for war. The third aspect is Gods, goddesses, and heroes. People in Greece believed in multiple gods and goddesses. Some people in America are still polytheistic and believe in the Greek gods today. Some of the Greek heroes were Hercules, Achilles, Theseus and many more. Just like the Greeks Americans today also had heroes such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther king. The forth most similar aspect is the Greek democracy. Athens (a city in Greece) had the first world known democracy called direct democracy. Direct democracy is simply known as “rule by people”. Direct democracy gave all citizens freedom and equality. The citizens of Athens could also vote. Similarly to the Athens, Americans today have a different type of democracy in which we vote for people to lead us. The fifth most similar aspect is the Greek architecture. In fact the Greeks invented three architectural designs that American still use today. The ancient Greek worked, lived and worshiped their gods in these…