We see however, through letters, accounts, didactic works and his students’ job testimonials that for a majority of his career, Bach taught in both public and private arrangements. These facets and creations show that Bach’s commitment to teaching was not just a response to the request of a contract, or means to earn money or continue his family tradition, but rather, perhaps a compulsion where he felt it was his humble duty to share this practice. After all, as an intellectual man and Lutheran, “theological and musical scholarship were two sides of the same coin” . Bach would have had and been “…aware of his intellectual disposition, of his fascination with musical scholarship and his love for teaching” In this essay I argue that Bach was significant as an educator. His teaching methods influenced and inspired his students and revolutionised keyboard technique for many generations of musicians and musical
We see however, through letters, accounts, didactic works and his students’ job testimonials that for a majority of his career, Bach taught in both public and private arrangements. These facets and creations show that Bach’s commitment to teaching was not just a response to the request of a contract, or means to earn money or continue his family tradition, but rather, perhaps a compulsion where he felt it was his humble duty to share this practice. After all, as an intellectual man and Lutheran, “theological and musical scholarship were two sides of the same coin” . Bach would have had and been “…aware of his intellectual disposition, of his fascination with musical scholarship and his love for teaching” In this essay I argue that Bach was significant as an educator. His teaching methods influenced and inspired his students and revolutionised keyboard technique for many generations of musicians and musical