It eventually received bi-partisan support and votes and was signed into law by FDR on August 14, 1935 (Historical Background and Development, n.d.). The Social Security Act established state administered Unemployment Insurance, the Old Age and Survivors Insurance Program, and “a system of state-federal public assistance programs for aged, blind, and dependent children deemed unable to earn wages and therefore participate in the social insurance programs” (Hanson, 2011). The Social Security Act of 1935 set the foundation for other federal welfare programs to come (Kennedy, 2009). Conservative critics believe this act did too much, creating dependency in low-income Americans, while more liberal critics believe this act should have done more to re-distribute income (Hanson,
It eventually received bi-partisan support and votes and was signed into law by FDR on August 14, 1935 (Historical Background and Development, n.d.). The Social Security Act established state administered Unemployment Insurance, the Old Age and Survivors Insurance Program, and “a system of state-federal public assistance programs for aged, blind, and dependent children deemed unable to earn wages and therefore participate in the social insurance programs” (Hanson, 2011). The Social Security Act of 1935 set the foundation for other federal welfare programs to come (Kennedy, 2009). Conservative critics believe this act did too much, creating dependency in low-income Americans, while more liberal critics believe this act should have done more to re-distribute income (Hanson,