
How Did Germany Use Propaganda

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How Did Germany Use Propaganda
The Holocaust was a time of unrelenting horrors and will never cease to represent the terror that we can accomplish if there is no one there to stop it. The general public of Germany went through stages of understanding what was happening in their countries. People accepted the propaganda given to them, boycotted what they considered unjust, and took actions against the unfair prejudices taken against certain groups.
The German officials took drastic measures to ensure that the general public would not take action against the procedures taking place in their country. The regime used propaganda to justify their actions to themselves and others (Deceiving the Public). Officials used propaganda to deceive the public about the Jewish, the German state, and about the upcoming war (Deceiving the Public). Because the Germans had been spreading the beliefs that Jews were filthy and spread diseases, many Germans followed the suit of others and did not pursue the truth (Deceiving the Public). The propaganda presented appealing information of unity and of a better
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Having already begun to spread propaganda about the Jewish community, it was relatively easy to convince Germans not to enter ghettos out of fear that they would catch a disease (Deceiving the Public). German authorities went as far to post quarantine signs at the entrances of camps to warn of the dangers of the contagious diseases (Deceiving the Public). In order to contain the secret horrors of the Holocaust, Germans wrote as little as possible about their plans by insisting to do everything verbally. Often authorities only needed to use one word orders to pass on instructions and only used negative words when absolutely necessary. All topics created on the topic of the Holocaust were labeled “top secret” and were not allowed to be looked at by most people (Combating Holocaust

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