
How Did Joseph Stalin Rise To Power

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How Did Joseph Stalin Rise To Power
When Stalin rose to power he wanted to centralize the control the control over the entire soviet economy in the 1920’s. If anyone opposed Stalin's political views was killed, exiled or put in jail for a long period of time. During the time he was ruling World War II broke out and the Russians fought with Germany. In the middle of the war Germany decided to break their pact and turn on the Russians and they invaded the Soviet Lands. While he was ruling the Soviet Union, he launched a five year plan which was supposed to change the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower from the peasant society that it was at the time. This plan was based around the government's control on the economy and the fact that the government can take control over farms. …show more content…
This caused widespread famine throughout the nation which also killed millions. Stalin ruled with terror and he had a totalitarian grip in order to get rid of anyone who did not believe the same things as him. He was able to expand the powers of the police and also got citizens to spy on one another and sent people to Gulag labor camps. During his Reign in the mid 1930’s. Stalin enforced the Great Purge which was a series of campaigns that were designed to purge the communist party, the military as well as the Soviet society from those who were seen as a threat. Stalin was also able to create a cult around the Soviet Union as well as himself. He renamed cities in his honor and several books were written to give him a prominent role in the revolution and to mythologize other aspects in his life. He was the subject of several art pieces created at the time and several literature and music pieces were made about him as well. His name became part of the national anthem and his government had a lot of control over the

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