
How Did Peaceful Resistance To Laws Affect Society

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How Did Peaceful Resistance To Laws Affect Society
Peaceful resistance to laws positively affects a free society. Since we're Americans we've been learning about American History since we started school. Breaking the law is not always a bad thing. IF the law goes against something you believe in , and you know it's not right break the law. Yes, if you're caught you'll be jailed but it's worth it to stick up for something that you believe in. Take for instance in the Civil Right's Days when Rosa Parks was fed up with the unequal treatment blacks received opposed to the whites. If Rosa had abided by the law who knows where we would be. She was tired of the unequal treatment, if she was on the bus first why should she give up her seat to a man who just got on the bus. Rosa was jailed , but her …show more content…
If you're going against a government implemented law you have to come the correct way. Or take for instance Martin Luther King , a black reverend who came up during the Civil Rights Movement. He used civil disobedience that he learned from Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau. King was jailed because of his peaceful actions. King was even killed because of his peaceful resistance to the government laws. Since the constitution gives Americans the right to assembly , protesting can be a way over peaceful resistance. Sometimes things get out of hand and they do turn violent, but those were not the intentions. Peaceful resistance allows us as the citizens to have a voice on the things that we are not too fond on. It all goes back to your morals and say for instance peer pressure. Most peoples parents taught them to stay true to themselves and to not do things that they are not comfortable doing. This also applies to the government LAW or not law. When hate is driven to create a law love is what must drove it out, you can not fight fire with fire. It makes you look ignorant. Not obeying the law can be a good thing actually, it just depends on the law. So for instance when slavery was

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