Parks once said “I would like to be known as a persons who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people” (Rosa Parks Quotes). This quote of hers can be told in many different aspects, but she is the one that helped this country change into what it is today. She wanted to be known as the person who is concerned about a list of things and she is and will always will be. Rosa Parks died on October 24, 2005 peacefully in her Detroit home, with many close friends as her attorney states (Civil). She died at age 92, and was placed in a casket that was took to the Rotunda of the United States Capitol to be on display so everyone that wanted to pay their respects could stop by (Rosa Biography). Now today, Parks is known all over the world as “The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” just because she refused to give up her seat to a white person and was arrested for her act (IIP). It’s crazy how one small thing can spark something that can change the world, but everything happens for a reason and Rosa Parks decided that she was going to be the one to start
Parks once said “I would like to be known as a persons who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people” (Rosa Parks Quotes). This quote of hers can be told in many different aspects, but she is the one that helped this country change into what it is today. She wanted to be known as the person who is concerned about a list of things and she is and will always will be. Rosa Parks died on October 24, 2005 peacefully in her Detroit home, with many close friends as her attorney states (Civil). She died at age 92, and was placed in a casket that was took to the Rotunda of the United States Capitol to be on display so everyone that wanted to pay their respects could stop by (Rosa Biography). Now today, Parks is known all over the world as “The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” just because she refused to give up her seat to a white person and was arrested for her act (IIP). It’s crazy how one small thing can spark something that can change the world, but everything happens for a reason and Rosa Parks decided that she was going to be the one to start