
How Did Stalin Modernize Russia

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How Did Stalin Modernize Russia
Joseph Stalin is an incredibly important figure in the history of Russia. During his reign of terror, Russia developed into a formidable world power. As he worked to modernize Russia, his use of violence against the people led to an impressive death toll. Despite this, Stalin’s carefully maintained public image made him beloved amongst many of his people. Before Stalin’s rise to power, Russia was not industrialized and was based mostly on peasant farmers. Stalin realized the need to Russia’s industry to develop and desired to modernize the Soviet Union. The ‘five-year plans’ were instrumental in the process of industrialization in Russia. A five-year plan is an economic plan dealing with national production goals. The first five-year plan …show more content…
Throughout his control over Russia, Stalin showed his willingness to use fear to govern the people. In Stalin’s view, the survival of the regime was most important. Russia had no shortage of people, so they could afford to sacrifice some in the name of industry. During the period of collectivization, dissenters were punished severely. Stalin sent enforcers and secret police to search and seize from the peasants’ houses. The kulaks, or farmers that grew wealthy under the New Economic Plan, suffered greatly. The kulaks were killed or sent into prison camps. The rural population was close to starvation as Stalin exported 5 million tons of grain. Those in the Ukraine were especially hit hard. In 1932, Stalin had blocked the roads. According to the video, many were eventually driven to cannibalism. During his rule, Stalin began to target anyone he saw as a threat. In the Great Purge, Stalin created an atmosphere of fear. At one point, many party members began to favor a ‘softer’ version of communism. Sergei Kirov becomes involved in this and the party wanted him to lead. Stalin couldn’t allow a rival to his authority—by 1934, Kirov was shot. The video stated that murder became a legitimate policy. Stalin also had Stalin turned Russians against Russians—people were told to inform on others. Masses of people were arrested and executed or sent to gulags to work. In Kolyma, for example, workers had to dig for gold. With an

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