Reaction : The law promoted boycott with some boost to local manufacturing.
The Currency Act 1751 regulates paper money issued by the colonies of British America.
Reaction : It created tension between the colonies and the mother country as they protested angrily against the act. They suffered a trade deficit with Great Britain and this was a contributing factor in the coming of the American revolution.
The Stamp Act 1765 directs tax on the British colonies in America and requires that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London …show more content…
Reaction : American colonists resented and opposed not because it meant they had to house British soldiers in their homes but because they were being taxed to pay for provisions and barracks for the army.
The Townshend Acts 1767 The Townshend Acts were a number of laws passed by the British government on the American colonies which included the following: New taxes on imports of paper paint, lead glass and tea Established an American Customs Board in Boston to collect taxes, set up new courts in America to prosecute smugglers without using a local jury, gave British officials the right to search colonist houses and businesses.
Reaction : Colonists responded with boycotts protesting the Townshend Act not to import British goods especially luxury products.
The Declaratory Acts 1766 was an act of the Parliament of Great Britain which accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act 1765 and the changing and lessening of the Sugar Act.
Reaction : The reaction of the colonies was to celebrate their victory; colonists were mad because the Declaratory act hinted that more acts would be