The Civil War simulated an industrial revolution that eventually led to a dramatic …show more content…
The iron production was 29% higher than the prewar production of the entire country. Other war related industries, especially firearms, gunpowder, and wagon manufacturing grew rapidly on the strength of military contracts. The coal industry experienced an expansion rate 21% in 1861 to 1865. The shoes and leather industry also enjoyed a tremendous growth due to army contracts. Additionally, the Civil War also stimulated production of new invention and established technology used in agriculture. Gail Bordens condensed-milk process became essential to the diets of Union soldiers by allowing the access of milk in the battlefield. Mechanization of farming allowed a single farmer growing crops much more efficiently as compared to when labors and animal power were the only available sources. For example, a threshing machine could thresh 12 times as much grain per hour as could six men. Mechanization of farming became important as large amount of farmers left home to enlist in the Union military. The labor-saving devices allowed those remaining behind could continue to manage the farm. The industrialization in the north had a dramatic impact upon urbanization and immigration. Free states attracted majority of European immigration. Seven-eighths of foreign immigrants ended