Two party system would collapse and sectionalism would start to rise. Thomas Jefferson started the anti-federalist party that eventually became Andrew Jacksons democratic party going up against the Whigs. Instead it being Democrats vs Whigs it was North vs South. Neither side could agree on anything to the point that neither side like the compromises that they were given. The Hamiltonian system created by the federalist Alexander Hamilton caused problems with the Jeffersonian Republicans. Jefferson and Madison disagree with Hamilton's list because they thought his views were pro-British. Jefferson and Madison thought a strong national government would make them lose slaves because the south was a minority in the house of representatives. The North and South would build their identities by which party met their needs further increasing a regional nationalistic view on both sides. The tariff of 1828, Tariff of Abomination, caused problems for the South and particularly South Carolina. The tariff was designed to protect industry in the United States. Tariffs on imported British textiles hurt the south badly In the south people thought that slavery is not a bad thing but a good thing because it frees white people from savage labor. Southern states and especially South Carolina looked to vice president John Calhoun to make a change and so he did. To protest the tariff vice president Calhoun nullified the tariff …show more content…
Turmoil struck and party lines along with the North and the South both take sides. All Northerners, Democrats, and Whigs, similar in their viewpoint to this, supported the Wilmont Proviso. While the south despised it, none the less the Wilmont Proviso passed in the House of Representatives but failed in the senate. The south made it clear that the expansion of slavery is what they desired and will not budge if it is threatened. In the same year a group called the Free Soilers and their of anti-slavery preaching's distinguished themselves in the North. Free Soilers popularity in the north was paramount. Free Soiler positions exceeded the abolitionists demand for immediate emancipation and equal rights for blacks. Now the identity of the North and south is clear and the sectionalism has taken the Union. The fate of the union now slowly crumbling, congress is enduring the chaos from both sides, as they express their cause and how important it is to make their side victorious. Congress doesn't have the constitutional power to abolish slavery within a state, but precedent did exist. For example, congress did this for the north west ordinance and for the Missouri compromise. The idea of southern domination of the federal government angered the North and preventing new slave states appealed to them. For the South, the idea of not having slavery in new territories