The deals were not as effective as they could have been in the beginning but as time moved on a lot of them were acted on and have been in use until this day. They did not essentially do what they were supposed to which was prevent another depression and bring the United States economy back up and bring Wall Street back to what it was in the 20’s. The second world war did most of that for America, but the deals achieved its three R’s Relief, Recovery, and Reform. Relief for the poor as a result of the depression, to recover the economy back to normalcy, and reform of the financial system to prevent another economic collapse. …show more content…
The next Republican president after the run of Democrats after Roosevelt was Eisenhower and he also had a new deal type of programs such as the building of the highway system which was a public works program and social security along with public housing. The next president after Roosevelt to go on the opposite side of the New Deal was Reagan, and that was forty years after the deals enacted. Roosevelt's new deals did not have the effect in the interim however in the continual it helped the US and its citizens gain prosperity and a greater level of financial