The League of Nations that was set up for failure. I think that it was a false sense of security to the public. Media talk of its booming success when it was most vulnerable. Lack of key support from America and other key countries and the financial support that would bring it was almost powerless. Actions taken where not viable, a warning was little more that a slap on the wrist and the restriction of trade would effect British markets at the time of depression and the use of military force was not reasonable with the time scale. The league took to long making …show more content…
Appeasement played into Hitler’s hands, he increased demands and as he stakes grew so did his confidence. His calculated gamble in the Rhineland 1936 where he deployed troops to re-establish a military presence was unopposed but had France and Britain taken action there is a strong argument that World War Two would not have started. During the three meetings with Chamberlain in 1937-1938 Hitler gained control of key areas including the Sunderland that set him up in 1939 to take the rest of Czechoslovakia. Hitler was cunning in the respect his risks paid off. Encouraging Hitler was a key part in the outbreak of world war