
How Did Woodrow Wilson's Farewell Address

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How Did Woodrow Wilson's Farewell Address
Since Washington's era, the United States has always stayed isolated mainly due to Washington, he wanted the US to be independant and so has the US has until the end of World War 2. In 1914 the first world war began, every major power participated and took a side, The Allies which included Britain, France, Russia and later on the US versus the Central Power which included Germany, Ottoman empire, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria. The US still believing in what Washington said in his farewell address remained out of the war until 1917. Woodrow Wilson wanted to keep the US out of World War 1 nut he couldn't anymore. Wilson entered the US into World War 1 with the purpose to make the world safe for democracy, and soon afterwards the Allies won the war. The world powers at the …show more content…
Herbert Hoover did nothing to stop the great depression escalating and set the US on a road of pain and suffering. Fortunately for the US, Franklin D. Roosevelt(FDR) was elected in 1932 and with his New Deals he helped the US survive through its tough times. In 1934, Gerald Nye began an investigation and his findings were that the US entered World War 1 because of the profit ammunition and arms makers could make. These findings led to the Neutrality Act of 1935 which prohibited the US from selling arms to any nation in war. World War 2 slowly began to change this. FDR knew that the US would eventually enter the war but when they do, FDR wanted the US to enter because of a great reason they being, 1. the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941 and 2. To make the world safe for democracy just like Wilson. FDR slowly began to help the British by selling them weapons, then the US loaned them weapons, and then they traded destroyers for bases but the US already helped British a lot and they ignored the Neutrality act because Democracy. When the US entered the war, 15 million men served in the

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