
How Did World War Ll Have Been Prevented

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How Did World War Ll Have Been Prevented
World War ll. A global tragedy in which millions died and thousands more were injured, or scarred for life. A blemish in the history of the world. But what if that terrible event had never happened? I believe that World War ll could have been prevented, if only the League of Nations and countries like France and Britain had been harder on Germany. One thing that would have prevented World War ll is if the League of Nations had done something. Germany should have been stopped from the beginning, back when Adolf Hitler was still gaining power. They began to remilitarize in 1935, violating the Treaty of Versailles. The League of Nations, however, did nothing. When German troops occupied Rhineland in 1936, again violating the Treaty of Versailles, they did nothing. When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, they were only given a warning. Sanctions could have been placed on Germany, and they should have been called out for violating the Treaty of Versailles. The League of Nation’s job was to prevent conflicts that could escalate into war. Instead, they just made empty threats and half hearted promises to punish Germany. Had they not sat around doing nothing, had they bothered to punish Germany and put a stop to their remilitarization and the …show more content…
They were constantly letting Germany get away with things for fear of starting another war, and that was their mistake. In the Munich Pact, they gave him part of Czechoslovakia, hoping that would be enough for him. That just made Germany more greedy, wanting to see how far they could push their limits, how far France and Britain would go to keep the peace. France and Britain scolded Germany, and made threats...but by the time they chose to act upon those threats, it was too late. Germany had become very powerful. Like the League of Nations, they did little to stop Hitler, turning a blind eye to his

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