In recent times the total number of priests has decreased and the average age of serving priests has risen. This fact, coupled with the ever increasing world population size has led to a large need for a new generation of priests. (The number of Catholics in the world nearly doubled between 1970 and 2008, growing from 653 Million to 1.166 Billion, the total number of priests decreased from 419,728 to 409,166. (CARA services. Frequently requested Church statistics).
We live in a society which is largely driven by money and filled with many indulgences. The life of a priest, simple and modest, can therefore seem a less attractive option to young men. Whilst some young men of today’s generation still hold a great faith in God, faith alone is not enough. It takes a lot of conviction, sacrifice and will to immerse oneself so deeply into religion. Forsaking life experiences such as marriage and children is too big of an obstacle for most people to overcome and so many disregard devoting their life to God by way of becoming a priest.
Unless a solution is found to make the priesthood more attractive to individuals, the problem of priestless parishes will not only remain, but worsen.
Priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church has traditionally been a respected and highly praised lifestyle, with many regarding it as the “highest”
References: Chapman. (1994). Congregation of Doctrine and Faith.,Catechism of the Catholic Church;nn 874-896;903. Daly. B., (2009).Priestly celibacy.The obligations of Continence and Celibacy for priest. Geary.A., (2013).Lifelight home study courses. Unit 5; The Church. pp 41-48 Hurley., D Jamison., C, Lundy., D & Poole., L. (1995). To live is to change. Rejoice publications. pp. 70-75 Richards., C Winter, M. (1973) Mission or Maintenance?DLT. Winter, M. (1986). Whatever happened to Vatican II Swenson, D