Every year when graduates leave the high school off to go to college there is always new ones coming in and they are known as “fresh meat” which are the freshman. The lower class students who are sophomores and freshman are the ones that usually get picked on a lot by the seniors. It is very normal for a freshman to not be varsity or to simply not be good enough and that is one reason why they get picked on a lot. When a freshman starts participating a sport or activity there is always a ritual to be done before being accepted by other student athletes and this ritual is called “Initiation.” Initiation has been around for many …show more content…
“Bullying is an act of aggression by an individual or a group of individuals with the goal of intentionally hurting the victim in some way. Additionally, it is repetitive and there is some sort of power imbalance” (Gordon). Physically hurting someone and verbally assaulting him or her can also be known as hazing. In fact hazing is a type of bullying done in schools, however hazing is done at an older age. “Hazing typically occurs when kids are older while bullying can start at a much younger age. And unlike bullying, hazing is sometimes viewed as socially acceptable, even though it should not be. But just like bullying, there is never a justifiable reason for hazing”(Gordon). There are many schools where they accept hazing to be done because to them is just a tradition and many coaches are okay with. In many schools students of young age such as freshmen start to be hazed by the upper class students, for instance the seniors. Hazing can sound very innocent but it can extremely dangerous and affect a teenager’s life. Hazing is one of the major factors why many student have Low self