
How Does Cole Change Throughout The Novel

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How Does Cole Change Throughout The Novel
Cole through the book goes through three stages of being able to control his anger stage one being the beginning where he is only able to hide his anger, stage two he is able to suppress his anger and stage three he is able to control his anger.

In the first part of the book we see Cole at his worst for his anger. At this time in the book we see that Cole is unable to control his anger when peter warns the authorities about cole robbing a hardware store. After hearing that a classmate has informed the authorities of his actions Cole becomes enraged and decides to confront Peter and beat him mercilessly. This action that cole takes shows us that cole is almost completely unable to control his rage and hatred for others and takes it out by smashing
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Some of the examples are when Cole is first taken back to the island and is accompanied by Edwin and Garvey. When Cole gets back to the island he not only has to build his own shelter which makes him annoyed but on top of that is also not supported by Edwin and Garvey in the construction of the shelter this angers Cole as he works throughout the day. Once all work is finished Cole assumes that he will have his dinner cooked for him but he finds out that is not and that he has to make his own food, angered by the fact that Edwin and Garvey have done nothing to help him Cole only cooks enough food to feed himself and leaves Edwin and Garvey to cook their own. When they do not cook for themselves and request that Cole cooks for them at this point Cole from the first part of the book would have went berserk kicking and punching things yelling how it’s not fair that he has to do this thing for Edwin and Garvey. But at this point Cole has learned to control his anger well enough to only let out a small pout before complying to their requests. This shows how far Cole has come when it comes to controlling his fury from smashing his fists into concrete to only pouting and

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