
How Does Hobbes Maintain Equal Liberties?

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How Does Hobbes Maintain Equal Liberties?
Our liberty, or freedom, to act or speak or be as we would like to be, although ours, must also fall within the confounds of the society we live in. Before much of the world was fortunate enough to be born into some sort of social system, life was spent much more separate from others. Your natural rights to the most basic aspects of life such as food, water, shelter, and the ability to live itself were much less assured. As Hobbes believed, all men lived in a natural state of war where “every man has the right to everything”, even to take the property and life of another human (Hobbes ch. XIV). For this reason, Hobbes thought was that only the strongest leader, an absolute monarch, could hold man back from his base instincts, for fear of death from that monarch’s hand. While the monarch would protect his own people, he would also would reign supreme so whether individuals would possess rights was completely left to the discretion of the monarch. This is how people lived for centuries. The concept of justice was, …show more content…
Children do not hold the same equal liberties as grown members of the public (Locke, ch. VI). They do not have the ability to fully understand the very rights that they would be given or the laws of society that they are meant to follow, making them a liability toward all others living around them. For this reason, a parent or guardian is given charge and control over the life of a child until maturity is reached. He also believes that if one’s mental faculties intact enough to understand rule of law, a situation those with mental disorders can find themselves in, they too need a guardian to be responsible for their actions. They are equal in their negative formal liberties that protect them from harm however they do not hold the same positive liberties that give them the right to act in certain ways, for fear of harm that would come to

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