In today’s era of development, home environment eventually affects the literacy skills of an individual as when one is born, this environment will lead to their development and will inculcate the norms and values within the society and how to behave as an individual upon rules and regulation put forward by the community. Literacy is based on an individual’s discourse, and is acquired through social interactions with others it is essential to look at literacy acquisition through the perspective of the home environment (Sawyer 2010). As it is quite clear that parents are the greatest influence and act as a model on a child’s ability to read, write and act within the society.
Using this question as the framework of my essay, I made research by discovering, analyzing, and combining what information was already on this topic. I think it was essential to interpret what other researchers had already discovered, so as to have a background on the given topic. Researchers are always innovating and investigating in order to define the aspect of literacy. Indeed, literacy is a social practice and it helps to understand how the home environment impacts literacy acquisition (Sawyer 2010). Lankshear and Knobel (2003) understand that, “literacy is a matter of …show more content…
Literacy does not just reside in people’s heads as a set of skills to be learned, and it does not reside on paper, captured as texts to be analyzed. Like all human activity, literacy is essentially social, and it is located in the interaction between people” (p. 10) (Sawyer 2010). Therefore, when you think about the impact the home environment may have on literacy development, it is important to understand that literacy development is embedded in social interactions and social