His most recent album Everybody, revolves around the same main central idea: peace, love, and positivity to every man, woman, or child, regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation. In this album, there is a song entitled “1-800-273-8255” The title of the song is the national suicide hotline phone number. This song is about depression. “I made this song for all of you who are in a dark place and can’t seem to find the light.” (Tinker) The first verse of the song is in the point of view of the caller wanting to end their own life. The second verse is in the point of view of the suicide hotline worker, and the final verse is in the point of view of the caller realizing life has meaning, and they finally want to be alive. According to CNN “John Draper, director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, said, "The impact has been pretty extraordinary. On the day the song was released, we had the second-highest call volume in the history of our service." Overall, calls to the hotline are up roughly 33% from this time last year.” (Tinker) That is a pretty big impact for just one song. Also, when he performed the song at the VMAs and gave a speech, the hotline spiked again “The lifeline reported a 50% increase in call volume after the show.” (Tinker) He also released a song from his album Under Pressure titled “Nikki” It is about his addiction to nicotine and smoking, but he starts
His most recent album Everybody, revolves around the same main central idea: peace, love, and positivity to every man, woman, or child, regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation. In this album, there is a song entitled “1-800-273-8255” The title of the song is the national suicide hotline phone number. This song is about depression. “I made this song for all of you who are in a dark place and can’t seem to find the light.” (Tinker) The first verse of the song is in the point of view of the caller wanting to end their own life. The second verse is in the point of view of the suicide hotline worker, and the final verse is in the point of view of the caller realizing life has meaning, and they finally want to be alive. According to CNN “John Draper, director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, said, "The impact has been pretty extraordinary. On the day the song was released, we had the second-highest call volume in the history of our service." Overall, calls to the hotline are up roughly 33% from this time last year.” (Tinker) That is a pretty big impact for just one song. Also, when he performed the song at the VMAs and gave a speech, the hotline spiked again “The lifeline reported a 50% increase in call volume after the show.” (Tinker) He also released a song from his album Under Pressure titled “Nikki” It is about his addiction to nicotine and smoking, but he starts