
How Does Napoleon Use Power To Gain Power

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How Does Napoleon Use Power To Gain Power
Power is earned by force because the citizens are scared about what the leader will do to them and power is kept by persuasion because lies are better than the truth.. Clearly, Leaders gained power by using force because it is a very easy way and very popular way to gain power. For instance, Napoleon wanted to trade and get different supplies so, “one Ssunday morning Ssquealer announced that the hens had just come in to lay… must surrender their eggs”. Napoleon made the hens give up their eggs for money and trade. Clearly, Napoleon used force by making the hens give up their eggs because he forced them to give up their eggs or they would be executed. But, the hens refused to give up the eggs so they dropped them off the top of the barn, so Napoleon could not have them. In the end the hens …show more content…
For example, Napoleon and Snowball disagreed with each other and Napoleon wanted to have all the power. So, Napoleon wanted him out of the farm. He got his “Nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studied collars came bounding into the barn”(Orwell 67). This made snowball forced to leave. Hence, the reason Napoleon made snowball leave was because he was forceful, and used his dogs to chase him out of the farm. So, he could gain power and have the most power on the farm. As previously stated, Napoleon gained power by force. For instance, chancing snowball out of the farm with the dogs and forcing the hens to give up their eggs. Power can be gained by force but it can be maintained by persuasion because he lies to the animals to make the animals believe in him. For instance, Napoleon lies to persuade them to believe that he is right. For

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