Carter came up with a model called the assertive discipline model that states five steps to assertive discipline. Step one is that adults should understand that they have an effect on a child or young person’s behaviour. Step two adults such as parents, carers and practitioners should show assertive responses this means that they should be confident and self-assured without showing any aggression. Step three is that parents and carers, and practitioners should provide a clear discipline plan within the setting and rules and consequences. Step four is that parents, carers and practitioners should clearly explain the discipline plan to children and young people. Step five is that parents, carers and practitioners should tell the child or young person how to behave correctly. Carter believed that adults “should recognize when a child is being ‘good’ and let them know frequently that you approve of their behaviour.” (Taylor, W, 2012,pg 8). He also believed that if practitioners recognise and praised a child or young person doing something positive and that the child or young person knew they have been praised then the child will continue to behave positive. He also suggested that there should be consequences for children and young people who behave negatively such as giving a child time out. This assertive discipline model is very useful for both …show more content…
I have also worked with a child aged 6 years old with behavioural difficulties. He had a one to one support, who supported him throughout the day. One day the one to one support wasn’t in I was asked to support him and work with to complete the worksheet. The one to one support constantly filled his individual behaviour book to inform his parents how his behaviour had been throughout the day. This book was always kept as evidence of his behaviour to show the relevant behaviour such as his behavioural therapists. The practitioner had also created his own timetable which was placed on the wall for him to see. The timetable changed each day and also came with a step by step guide to every activity he had to complete throughout the day. Skinners theory of positive reinforcement was very effective with this child. If he had behaved positively and completed all his task he was asked to complete, he was then able to pick something out of the ‘magic box’. This would encourage him to reach his new goals the next the day. However if he showed negative behaviour he would lose 5 minutes of his play time each time. If he behaved negatively in an aggressive way, then the 3 warnings would be introduced. If by the end of the 3 warnings he was still behaving negatively then he would lose a sticker from is reward chart each time as well. This was done as it was something physical