My story represents a moment more recent moments that have occurred in my life. I can still recall these events very clearly because I am still a student in the same school where a lot of the same events occur, and still
continue to shape that I am. I have had learn to push through barriers and persevere attributes that have been somewhat collected from my experience in school. This being said I am able to recollect specific moments more fully, and take a broad view to look at how these events have really shaped who I am. By having these experiences I am able to tell a story that is vivid, raw representation of the influence that I have gathered from being in different school environments, Berkley High School in specific. It also takes place in environments this will be constantly changing, so it continues to evolve who I am.
The story primarily revolves around race related issues that I have had in school. Although, I am more than my ethnicity, and the color of my skin doesn’t define who I am; it has taken a large influence on shaping the person I have become. This story helps to highlight a small portion of the journey I took to discover how I would deal with race, and combat stereotypes in school. When I began writing I had an idea of exactly what I wanted to write about. From there I spilled all my thoughts onto the paper trying to make it as authentic as I could have. My story relates the prompt to the fullest extent because I gave the true imprint that my school environment has shaped who I am. By writing this story and recalling these experiences I have realized how my experience in school has shaped who I am.