A spirometer, invented in 1846, is used to measure the vital capacity of the lungs. The sphygmomanometer was invented in 1881 and this device is used to measure blood pressure. These types of technology are viewed as fairly simple compared to the types of technology that are available today. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging method used to diagnose and treat many different medical conditions. With the use of powerful magnetic fields, radio frequency pulses, and a computer, thorough pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone, and many other …show more content…
If technology was not available, surgery would be needed quite often to see what is happening inside a person’s body when surgery may not have been required to begin with. With x-rays, MRI’s, and CT scans, acurately detailed images can be used to not only detect abnormalities, but to see how the human body works. Additionally, it provides us with knowledge to improve our health care. By understanding our body systems, things like molecular and gene-based diagnostics, which can detect diseases earlier, can be created. With technology like electrocardiographs, endoscopes, blood pressure reading devices, one can know what is going on inside human bodies to help us understand internal body