The Aged make various positive contributions to the community, many which go unseen. Although the Aged are perceived to be a burden to society due to the image in which society depicts, their contribution to benefiting those around them is unending. The Australia bureau of statistics defines the Aged as those who are 65 years and older. As this stage in the lifespan is usually associated with retirement and spare time the elderly find themselves giving back to the community through educating younger generations, participating in volunteer work and providing informal services by assisting in caring for young family.
The Aged have much to contribute to the community as they have a wealth of experience and are able to pass on education to the younger generations. In doing so, they are positively influencing society and guiding them to be better people and to live …show more content…
Many Aged people devote their time to society by continuing to work, which contributes to the economic growth, or by participating in volunteer work. Once the Aged retire they find themselves feeling lonely and isolate from society. In order to overcome this many turn to contributing to the community by doing volunteer work. Volunteer work has become increasingly popular amongst the Aged as it provides the elderly with social interaction with employees, and also those in the community. A study from the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that in 1997 older people spent around 30% of their working hours on unpaid volunteer work. The Aged also contribute to the community by participating in fund raising. Even though the Aged are usually characterised with qualities such as deteriorating health and increased body aches they still manage to give up their time to the community and contribute to the economic