In this study, the goal is to determine the effect of turbidity on the abundance of riffle beetles. Those that are carrying out the experiment will learn what effects that low and high turbidity have on riffle beetle abundance. It is important to there to be research on this in order to know what the effects will be on riffle beetles because they are good detectors of pollution. This can help one to understand what level of turbidity will be ideal for a healthy wetland ecosystem. Turbidity is the independent variable in the experiment, while the abundance of riffle beetles is the dependent variable. The control variables in this experiment will be pH, temperature, the …show more content…
The total suspended solids (TSS) are the cause of light being scattered and haziness of the water. When the scattered light is more intense, it indicates a higher level of turbidity. It is measured in Nephelometric Turbidity units (NTUs) or it could be measured in Jackson Turbidity Units (JTUs). For a less precise measurement of turbidity, one could use a Secchi Disk as well.
Turbidity is a good indicator of the health of an ecosystem because higher turbidity can be caused by pollution. When the turbidity has a high measure of NTUs, it can be harmful to some species that are dependent on light. The sediment that causes turbidity can also allow for pollutants to attach on, increasing pollution in an area. Some events that could cause pollution include sewage treatment chemicals place in the water, pesticide use, chemicals released from industrial plants, or overgrazing leading to loosened …show more content…
It can affect the temperature underwater due to the suspended solids blocking sunlight. When the temperature of the water is colder, the dissolved oxygen present increases. The blocked sunlight also decreases some plant life, which may have provided food for other organisms. When the food isn’t present, there is less energy that can go to higher trophic levels in a community. When the amount of total suspended solids in an area is higher, streams and lakes can fill or even flood. For the organisms, like benthic macroorganisms, the higher turbidity can impact the habitats. The sediment and solids in the water could later settle, leading to clogging the areas that could be used for homes or the suffocation of young macroorganisms on the bottom of the body of