How Globalization Will Affect My Future Career
Problem/Issue Definition
With Globalization along with outsourcing, my career in life is going to change big time. More and more jobs are being outsourced to other countries every day. Right now America is a mountain compared to other countries meaning that we are more advanced industrially. As more jobs are being outsourced the more the metaphorical mountain is shrinking in height and growing in width. We can slowly add to our mountain by creating new jobs; though this will take a lot of time and change. The playing field is being flattened for America and in turn for me. Looking for a job in finance I’m going to have to work hard to get a good paying job. At the same time this is not necessarily a bad thing. In the long run, I want to run and own my own business. Outsourcing will make it so I can run things at a more efficient cost. With the world connected as a whole, which is the effect of globalization, I will be able to market to the entire world instead of just America.
Alternative Perspectives/Solutions
According to my CIS teacher, Albert Tay, many people are outsourcing to other countries because it is much more cost effective to do so. At the same time, there are many other companies that don’t want to use other countries for outsourcing. Frequently, with outsourcing in other countries the quality of the service is not as good. This is because you are not always able to observe what is going on to make sure everything is being done the way you would like it to be done.
There are so many people that we have to compete with in the job market today. With the world metaphorically flattening, due to globalization, there are more people that can do the same job that I can, and often times they can do it for less pay. According to Thomas L. Friedman, the author of The World Is Flat, because of all of the competition, I’m going to have to work harder to get the job that I want. I’m