"The country has returned to politcal trend that pre-dated 9/11 which focuses on taxes and the size of government." (Martin Kettle). During the past ten years there have been thousands of new laws that have been proposed with several hundred adopted. Over 134 laws were added to response to 9/11 during the first 15 months after the attack. The Patriot Act unconstitutionally expanded government authority to pry into people’s lives with little or no evidence of wrong doing and little evidence that the Patriot Act has made America more secure from terrorists. Because of the 9/11 attack, security is now over our heads which enhanced border security act which required the state department and immagration to share visa and immagration with others. " US Americans have forgotten our founding principles of justice, humanity and biolence. Forgotten the enormous human and eonomic Tolls." (Andrea
"The country has returned to politcal trend that pre-dated 9/11 which focuses on taxes and the size of government." (Martin Kettle). During the past ten years there have been thousands of new laws that have been proposed with several hundred adopted. Over 134 laws were added to response to 9/11 during the first 15 months after the attack. The Patriot Act unconstitutionally expanded government authority to pry into people’s lives with little or no evidence of wrong doing and little evidence that the Patriot Act has made America more secure from terrorists. Because of the 9/11 attack, security is now over our heads which enhanced border security act which required the state department and immagration to share visa and immagration with others. " US Americans have forgotten our founding principles of justice, humanity and biolence. Forgotten the enormous human and eonomic Tolls." (Andrea