First of all, television news is no longer the same. Media recorded by everyday people was important on 9/11 because “[e]ven though NYC is the world’s number one media market, reporters were craving ‘man on the street’ perspectives because of a desire for understanding (and
a lack of specific facts)” (Wood). Today this media is often in the form of cell phone camera video and posts on social media sites such as Twitter, and “it’s expected that someone’s shaky-handed video will make national news every week” (Wood). Spontaneous news-covered events nowadays are usually paired with some kind of user-made media. There is also a difference in what media covers. Morning shows still have their usual content. “After 9/11, however, each show needed a near-daily segment on foreign affairs — specifically terrorism. According to ADT Research’s five years after 9/11 report, number of minutes devoted to coverage of foreign policy was up 102%, coverage of armed conflict rose 69%, and discussions of terrorism rose 135%. Years after that report, nothing has changed thanks to ISIS/ISIL and their ideological brethren” (Wood). Before 9/11, terrorism wasn’t covered as often, but now it seems as though every few weeks to few months there is another suspected terrorist or known attack on the news. Additionally, the laws, organizations, and actions surrounding immigration have changed. One example of this change is the existence of the Department of Homeland Security. “Formed in November 2002 with the passing of the Homeland Security Act, the agency replaced the Immigration and Naturalization Service and became responsible for enforcing national security and protecting the U.S. from terrorism” (Frej). Their duties “include screening and collecting data on international travelers” (Frej), which is why the TSA is there to screen you and your luggage before you board a plane. Another example is refugee resettlement. “The immigration debate in the U.S. has shifted to some degree in the last several years as the country considers whether it has a moral duty to welcome refugees ― and if so, how to ensure that they don’t pose a national security threat” (Frej). The argument has no signs of ending, but the United States has taken a side by welcoming hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country since 9/11. Refugees are put through an intense screening process, even though “entering the U.S. as a refugee is actually the least likely avenue for a radicalized individual to pursue, Chishti says” (Frej).
September 11th has affected all of us and our futures in some way. Even though many people today are too young to have experienced it firsthand and remembered, it’s significance is clear to everyone. Media and immigration changes are among the most significant results of the horrifying day. Although the existence of the TSA is the most obvious effect, one should consider the deeper yet more subtle variations within our nation. On the whole, while the new regulations and actions we face are somewhat controversial, our understanding of related events is now greatly increased, and our country can better protect itself.