Those animals are credential to the seals and walruses food. They are the base to the oceans food chain. The impact of climate change in the seas ecosystem shows the reduction in of food for the animals. The change in the reduction of food affects both the seals and the walruses. Walruses tend to dive into the ocean all the way to the bottom. They dive to the bottom to eat clams, snails, crabs, shrimp, and worms (Walrus Latest To Be Threatened By Warming). Diminished sea ice and warmer water decreases plankton, which those animals the walruses feed on need in order to survive. When those animals cannot feed off plankton because they are not existent, the walruses starve and are impacted severely. An adult walrus can eat 200 pounds of clams a day. If the walrus population stays 30 miles inshore, they can over harvest (Walrus Latest To Be Threatened By Warming). The most significant impact of climate change on seals is the loss of Artic ice, which they highly depend on. They need that ice in order to access their food sources. As the ice continues to melt away earlier and earlier each year, more pups are being separated from their mothers prematurely. This results in high mortality rates for baby seals (Mosher). The seals depend on cool air currents to bring plenty of food. When the water becomes warm, the seals struggle to find food on their own. Then, the seal population…