
How Is The October Revolution A Watershed

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How Is The October Revolution A Watershed
October Revolution; Battle of Cowshed; Chapter IV

The October Revolution of 1917 was a Russian rebellion led by the Bolshevik

Party founded by Vladimir Lenin. This revolution takes place in Russia. In the book

Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, the October Revolution is represented by the Battle of

Cowshed. The Battle of Cowshed is a rebellion led by the animals on Manor Farm against their

owner, Mr. Jones. A speech was given by Vladimir Lenin before the rebellion against the

provisional government and his speech is what convinced Russian citizens to rebel.

Vladimir Lenin was a Russian communist who wanted to change the Russian government. He gave a speech on April 10 (23), 1917 at a meeting of soldiers of the Izmailovsky Regiment and was named the Pravda no. 30. His speech established the basis for the October Revolution. In his speech he stated that everyone should be
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On October 24, 1917, The Bolshevik Party led Russian workers and

peasants into a Revolution to pursue a new Russian government. Their slogan was "All power to

the Soviets!". The Bolshevik Party seized power over Russia inaugurating the soviet regime.

October 25, 1917, the Second All Russia Congress of Soviets met and created the new soviet

government. After World War II, the entente powers invaded Russia from all directions. Out of

the warring nations, only Germany agreed to peace.

Animal Farm by George Orwell explains this rebellion in a unique way. On a farm run by a drunk farmer, animals are underfed and treated poorly. A pig named Old Major wanted the animals lives to change for the better, and for each animal to be treated with equality and fairness. He gave a speech about his plans and beliefs. The animals developed a slogan

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