They didn’t like the idea of laziness. I was given chores at home, which motivated me to become a hard worker, not only at home, but in school as well. I take my academics seriously. My culture has taught me to become better than I was the day before. I enjoy challenging myself and striving for the best. The culture I was raised in has become a component of who I am, and the reason I perpetuate to challenge myself every day.
I challenge myself every day to become like my mother and father. I have recently faced a big challenge when my father passed away. In July of 2013, my father died unexpectedly. He had heart disease, which ultimately caused his death, but we didn’t know he had it until after he passed away. This has played a significant role in reminding me who I was raised by and the standards he has set. It has steered me toward proving my parents that I am a hard worker and will carry my culture respectfully throughout my life.
The culture I was inherited with has shaped my life through academics, challenging myself to become better than I was the day before. The encounters I have dealt with have changed me to the person I am today, and has made me different than others. Strenuously exertive ethics, educated judgments, and morals have composed me into a strong young