INTRODUCTION: In this module, I would like to describe the personal development and study methods and its effects on me in near future. This will help students to develop and polish their skills for a better future. This will also help me express how this module will affect me and my life as a student. Personal development and study methods are divided into two groups. Personal Development, Study Methods.
This is a process in which one enhances his mind, spiritual, heart and body skills. The way to build our personality is not an easy task. If it would have been an easy task, quite a number of people would have become successful in their careers by now but this isn’t the case, as Benjamin Franklin has rightly put “no pain no gain”. In personal development training I have to overcome my anger, arrogance and negative attitudes. Below are the sub headings which come under personal development.
SELF ESTEEM: Self esteem is how the person values himself or how they estimate their self-worth. Everyone should believe in themselves. Now day’s people are having low self-esteem just because they have lost hope and self confidence in themselves and there is no one to guide them. PDSM is the only module which emphasizes on personal development. In the future it might happen that everything I do may turn into a disaster for me and due to that I will become a low self esteem person. After that I will lose my confidence in me and in everything. Whatever I will think and would plan may turn into a mess. It will seem like everything which I would try to do may go wrong but then I have to think about how can I change myself and try to build high self esteem. Then I have to realize that everything happens for a reason and to overcome every wrong reaction I have to start thinking positive. This will help to build high self esteem