For many years Europe was considered as an ideal place for living. It attracted many people with its stability, democracy and great opportunities. Erurоpe’s hіstоry hаs beеn shapеd bу migratiоn. Fоr centuriеs, mеrchants, craftsmеn аnd intеllectuals crossеd thе cоntinent tо practicе thеir tradеs оr stаrt nеw livеs. Milliоns еmigrated frоm Europе, fіrst to thе colоnies аnd lаter tо thе Americаs аnd thе Antipodеs. Europе alsо hаs а lоng histоry оf fоrced migrаtion: frоm thе еxpulsion оf thе Jеws frоm Spаin tо thе pоpulation shіfts іn southеast …show more content…
The author recalls how European leaders could not agree on the placement of 400 thousand of refugees. Then Central and Eastern European countries did not want to grant asylum to illegal immigrants, but since that time the amount has increased. This option of doing nothing could be attractive for those countries that do not like refugees and which deportes them in the first European country to which refugees arrive. The disadvantage of this plan is the possible failure of the Schengen project, on which pointed German Chancellor Angela Merkel. If this happens, the smugglers will again start earning on illegal transportation of people across European borders which could end in tragedy.
• Secondly - carry out the proposed quotas by the European Commission. The deployment plan, which now exists, offers to send to Germany, France and Spain more than half of the refugees. The rest should be divided among other EU countries. However, the disadvantage of this plan is that it is not known what will happen to the refugees who will arrive into Europe after the quotas would be …show more content…
Just across the Mediterranean in 2015, 220 thousands migrants arrived. At the same time, more than 2.1 thousands of people died at sea during the same period. Only in the current year 140 thousands people came across the border to Hungary. In general, in more than half of 2015, in the EU has already arrived about half a million refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. EU government developed a plan of quota distribution of refugees between the EU countries, but some of them, such as Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, were opposed the compulsory admission of