The plan for the League of Nations was part of the peace treaty that ended World War One. By law, the United States Senate would have to vote on the treaty. President Wilson believed the Senate would have to approve it if the American people demanded it. So Wilson traveled across America. He stopped in many places to speak about the need for the League of Nations. He said the league was the only hope for world peace. It was the only way to prevent another world war.…
Ironically the League of nation’s answer for world peace was the main cause of World War II. Germany loss World War I and was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, saying that there would not be anymore wars ever. The Treaty of Versailles was created at the end of World War I in hopes to keep world peace; both the Allied Powers and the Central Powers signed the treaty and agreed to keep the peace with one another. The Treaty of Versailles was a great idea on paper, but unfortunately it helped cause World War II. The Treaty of Versailles helped cause World War II by taking land away from Germany, limiting the size of Germany’s military, pushing war reparations on Germany, and using the War Guilt Clause against the Germans.…
By creating the League of Nations, Wilson attempted to promote peace in the world and to provide humanitarian aid to the whole world. World…
Secondly, ratifying the Treaty of Versailles would eventually lead to the creation of the League of Nations. The League of Nations came from Woodrow Wilson's idea of the Fourteen Points. The League of Nations is the most important point for Wilson and it called for the creation of a "general association of nations". The League of Nations would help preserve world peace and prevent future wars. They would accomplish their goals by agreeing to respect and protect each other's territory and political…
In 1920, Americans were set on never getting involved in European matters again which kept with America’s tradition of isolation. President Wilson, who was president during WWI, came up with the League of Nations which was an international organization whose goal was to maintain world peace. The League…
Once World War I came to a close, many decided they never wanted to go through such a terrible war again. In fact, they even said that World War I was “the war to end all wars.” They wanted to bring peace throughout the nations, something that would ensure that they would never have reason to fight again, at least not nearly as bad as the Great War had been. President Woodrow Wilson was a strong supporter of a peace between all continents, even constructing a 14 Point Plan that would focus on bringing peace to the world. As a result, when the League of Nations came into being, he fully supported the Treaty of Versailles, which would not only induct the United States into the League, but also hold every single one of the signers to their promise of peace and unity. President Wilson brought this to the attention of the United States government, and though the Treaty of Versailles supported many of Wilson’s points from his 14 Point Plan, it was unsuccessful in passing. Though Wilson was very stubborn in trying to get the treaty passed, the strength of the opposing forces was too great, and Senate declined the passing of the treaty.…
The League of Nations was made to keep peace and wars with nations. The boundaries were removed/changed so people with the same language and customs could move were they wanted to of where they are from. This was also known as the fourteen…
The size of the countries did not matter how big they were, and they were all invited. Most people did not agree with Wilson’s suggestion to creating the league of nations, but others were on board. Eventually everyone was on board and they made a treaty…
The USA rejected the League of Nations because it was heavily linked to the treaty of Versailles which many Americans disagreed with, therefore this led the USA to reject joining the League of Nations because it was created to support the treaty of Versailles and to enforce its terms. The USA rejected it mainly because some were worried about the financial cost of joining. For example, many people feared that American money would be spent on keeping world peace which was Wilson’s dream (to control foreign affairs in order to abolish war to bring peace). This would mean that American money would be spent on the aims of the League of Nations which were to improve people’s working conditions and to tackle diseases; therefore American money will be spent on medication and the working environment. This suggests that the USA thought that if they signed it would be a promise made to spend money (no matter how much it may cost) in order to resolve international problems.…
In this monograph, Woodrow Wilson greatly attempted to maintain peace before entering World War I. The reason Wilson established the League of Nations to passionately pursue this goal. Link emphasizes that the president even chased this…
Congress decided that they did not want to join the League of Nations, because they didn't want to get involved in foreign affairs and future conflicts. They wanted the United States to make their own decisions.…
Before Hitler was leading the Germans and the Axis powers in WW2, he was defying the treaty of Versailles and committing crimes to try to get Germany back to its former glory. Even though Hitler was committing all these crimes, the League of Nations was not doing anything to stop him. This allowed Hitler to keep doing what he was doing. All of this made Germany more powerful. Also, the fear of war forced the League of Nations to make decisions that they probably would not have made if they were more powerful thus placing smaller countries at risk. If the League of Nations was more assertive with Hitler, then Germany would not be able to become as powerful, enter the start of a war and take over territories. If the League of Nations used collective…
Woodrow Wilson’s idea to make a “league of nations” failed within his own country because the United States did not want to join it. “The League strikes a deadly blow at our constitutional integrity and surrenders to a dangerous extent our independence of action”, this exemplifies the way most people in the U.S. felt about the league, that it would tangle the United States in to more foreign affairs. Because the United States was changing its foreign policy to more of an isolationist one, it wanted no part of this league.…
Both the League of Nations and the United Nations aimed to maintain peace The League succeeded in settling dispute between Bulgaria and Greece, Greece and Italy over Corfu Island. These conflicts were only between small nations. However, the League failed to check the aggression of the Axis powers. This led to the outbreak of the Second World War. In 20-year time, another great war broke out in 1939. Comparatively, the United Nations could help maintain peace more effectively. The United Nations succeeded in the Korean War. The intervention of the UN force was successful. An armistice was signed in 1953. The UN stepped in the Suez Crisis and arranged a cease-fire. Although the root causes of some conflict could not be resolved, e.g. the Israeli- Palestinian conflicts, another great war did not break out until now. This shows that the United Nations was more effective in maintaining peace. Both the League and the United Nations aimed to improve peoples well-being and living standards. The League solved the problem of refugees, prisoners of war, improve workers working environment and conditions, especially child labour. It also prohibited slavery trade. It set up unified measurement systems. It provided loans to Austria and Hungary to solve post war economic problems. The UN specialized agencies, e.g. WHO, WTO, World Bank, IMF, UNEP. They all did very well in improving peoples living standards and social well-being. They aroused international concern over some issues which need support and cooperation among nations. Also, they give financial assistance and technical support to the developing nations and they acted as a bridge between developed nations and developing nations in various issues. The specialized agencies set up the quantitative target for the member nations to achieve. Also, they educate the developing nations the importance of health, family planning, environmental conservation. Work with NGO. Comparatively, the United Nations agencies did more…
One reason for the failure of the League of Nations was the attitude of the members. The Britain only cared about protecting their empire and building their trade. The French were worried about another attack from Germany only. Britain and France saw the League as a great tool to practice their own wants, and their biased foreign policy, however, that was totally against the “idea” of the league. The U.S.A practised the policy of isolationism and so did not join the League of Nations at all. As U.S.A was the one who introduced the League of Nations, it was very controversial when U.S.A did not join LON. Everybody knew that the League needed the U.S.A’s money and troops so that it could work effectively. As America was the world’s most powerful nation, this was a serious blow to the prestige of the League. The countries did not practise what it preached and did not put into practise the 26 articles of LON and so in this aspect, the League had failed to promote international cooperation. Therefore, one reason for the League’s failure was the attitude of the members because they were more concerned about their own affairs than fulfilling the aims of the LON.…