This changes will be a big effect to students and teachers, the student needs to adjust to the new curriculum and the teachers needs to study the new way of teaching the new curriculum of the new education program. Teachers plays a big part so that the student will learn and develop their skills and talent. In the new education system, the wa how teachers teach the students will have a change. Having k12 system as a new basic education in Philippines, is the teachers follows the method of this new system? Are these teachers adjust already in the new method of curriculum and way to teach the students?
The k-12 education program has been used by teachers in other countries in a long time already to teached the students . enable to learn from this education program will help the Filipino students to be more competitive, knowledgeable and prepared for their future. This new education program that introduced in the Philippines two years ago , will be needed the teachers to undergo seminars and training for them to learn how to teach the new curriculum to their students. The Department of Education (DepED) and St. Paul University Philippines (SPUP) have played a pivotal role in the implementation of the K+12 Enhanced Basic Education Program as the two institutions partnered to train the "direct implementors" in summer 2012.From May 3-June 3, 2012, DepED and SPUP conducted a series of trainings for the Grade 7 teachers in Cagayan Valley. SPUP was tapped by the DepED-Teacher Education Council as the teacher training institution for six learning areas: Science,English, Mathematics, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Araling Panlipunan, and Filipino. A total of 2,219 secondary teachers from the different school divisions of Region 02 participated in the training program. The five-day training program aimed at: a) orienting the teachers with the K+12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum Framework, Curriculum Standards and Implementing Guidelines; b) enhance participants' knowledge of content and instructional skills in terms of using the 21st century teaching-learning methodologies/ strategies and assessment methods; and c) reorient them with the teaching-learning principles, as well as the skills necessary for values integration. Clustered into six learning areas, the teacher-participants completed the 54-hour training program. Grade 7 Science teachers were trained on May 3-7; English teachers, May 8-12; Mathematics teachers, May 14-18; Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao teachers, May 20-24(first batch) and May 30-June 3(2nd batch); Araling Panlipunan teachers, May 26-30; and Filipino teachers, May 26-30( DepED, SPUP train teachers for K+12 implementation. Retrived from However after all this trainings, we still don’t know if teachers follows how DepEd suggested to teach the k-12 education program.
The hypothesis of this to reveal the low number of teachers that follows how the k-12 education program should be teached. In this research , the researchers aims to determine if the teachers follows k-12 education program to teached their student by observing how teachers teach their student inside their classrooms.