could be distributed.
Three important people to this invention were Thomas Edison, Eldrige Johnson, and Emile Berliner. Next to come along after the Phonograph was the Gramophone. This as well didn’t have the best sound but it used flat discs to play the sound. This led to a huge hit in the music industry. In 1906 Emile Berliner invented the record player. These records excelled over time and went from single song records to double sided playing ones in 1908. Not only that but they had great speed and soon led to full albums on records along with electrical records. These were not very portable considering their size of 7”-10”. While these were a huge hit for around 60 years and still today their competition of the cassette tapes arrived in 1963. Cassette tapes became a huge hit considering they were easier to access and a lot smaller. Cassette tapes, in 1999 CD’s, and in 1912 records soon became able to record on. Soon after came the CD’s that were a huge money maker for music industries thanks to James Russell. In 1982 CD’s were released in Japan and a year later in USA. Soon after CD’s came in 2001 came the first Apple IPod, while this was very expensive it was a huge hit in the market. Today there are around 25 different models of the apple iPods that have
hit the market. Today technology has become a major part of our lives everywhere and we use it almost every day. Instead of just using it for recordings and saving information we now use much of it for entertainment. Are music players really that important to our daily lives? This can be proven by how many things have become portable. In November of 1954 the first portable Transistor Radio hit the market along with the Sony Discman the first portable CD player. In 1979 the huge hit cassette tapes hit portability. The price of them was very expensive and averaged around $288. A huge impact on our daily lives is our cars. Cars have made life easier at times and in 1930 a huge change took place, and that was the installation of the first car radio. Today all cars include radios that all started with a guy named Paul Galvin. Later followed CD’s in 1982 and was first released in 1983 in the US. Music players were a huge hit everywhere but much happened in Japan and US. First Cassette tapes were released in Japan in 1979.
Overall throughout time the technology for sound has changed from terrible sound, to different ways of usage, and has become easier to access. Music players have brought hope to many lives and in ways saved many. Music is a huge stress reliever for many people and this has been proven multiple times. Music players have gone from large things weighing 5 pounds to a little portable music player that weighs less than a pound. They have become more reliable and are used much more than they used too. Every day the average amount of music listened to by one person is around four hours. The music rate is constantly climbing and hopefully for the music industry will continue too. Music players have made a large impact on our lives whether it’s while in the car, during school, before bed, at work, or even cleaning.