1. Indian Warriors. “Kiowa Indian Warrior.” Google Images. Web. 14
Jan. 2015.
Because of their skill with these weapons, they were able to defeat many tribes alongside the Crow (Ryan 8). Together, the two tribes beat the Comanche and Shashamane in the west, the Cheyenne and Arapaho in the north, and the Sioux in the east (9).
There’s an old Cherokee saying that states, “When the white man discovered this country, Indians were running it. No debt, no taxes, women did all the work. White man thought he could improve on a system like that” (American Indian Quotes). This was very true. The women were charged with the jobs of making clothes for the family, cooking, packing and carrying the supplies and tipis during a move, and taking care of household chores. However, unlike men, Kiowa women were not given a chance to gain honor, or make a name for themselves. Being a Kiowa woman was difficult, especially during a move since they had to drag the heavy tipi poles behind them. The women also gathered berries, nuts, and fruits. Kiowa women had a very hard life because they did most of the manual labor.
There is a quote by the famous Kiowa chief Santana that