Assalamualaikum and good evening to my loyal followers and friends, now I would like to spend my time in a little bit of my holidays for assignment in Maritime English(MM2513) that was lectured my Sir Shamsul Rizal. Here I want talking about “how Maritime English subject can help my career in shipping industry”, but before that let me explain what is actually Maritime English. Maritime English is the English language that is necessary to function within the maritime industry, with its widely diverse activities. In facts, Maritime English is the most neglected and most controlled English in the world that was use the International Maritime Organisation Standard Marine Communication Phrases(IMO SMCP) and use English in written and oral form. Not only that, developing communicative competence in English is a mandatory requirement under Standard Training and Certification for Watchkeeping95. Maritime English exactly teach myself the basic English by starting with word,meaning,sentences,paragraphs and essay with free error. Continuously with the meaning of shipping. Shipping is the industry that can be characterized as the largest international and the most globalised one, as about 90% of the world trade transported by sea. The number of the international maritime cooperation’s appear to be increase as frames of multinational shipping companies formulating multicultural constellations in the goal of the shipping industry. Let see how the maritime English and shipping industry was related, also definitely help my career especially in shipping industry.
Firstly, the current scenario in shipping industry 45% of sea accidents is attributed to communication deficiencies. Actually I would like to highlight about how far maritime English can influence ship’s safety. The human element is a critical feature of all aspects of ship and operation. The human element has long been recognized as important to marine