In this report I will be stating the different aims, Objectives and purposes of two organisations; I will also explain how the organisational structure and strategic planning help the businesses to achieve their aims and purposes. Then I will be explaining how I think the structure of two organisations helps to control their activities and fulfill their purposes by looking back on my previous information on P3.
Aims, Objectives and Purposes; Marks & Spencer;
The aim of Marks & Spencer is to work their way up the ranks and make the company a truly international, multi-channel retailer – so it can be accessible to even more customers around the world. Their objectives are to focus in the UK on things like an iPhone app to keep up with the progressing technology and also keeping their trusted image in tact so people will keep coming back to their stores to buy their products in order to get them to their aim of making M&S international. The purpose of Marks & Spencer’s aims and objectives are that they want to provide their successful goods and services to other people all across the world and to make their business bigger and better. St. Gemma’s Hospice;
The aims of the St. Gemma’s Hospice are to promote life and enhance its quality within a welcoming, safe and caring environment and also to promote and influence high quality specialist palliative care locally. Nationally and internationally. St. Gemma’s objectives are to do things like creating an ethos and environment which is welcoming, inclusive, supportive and respectful of all, also to respect each person’s life and to support their patients. Their purposes for doing these things are to create an ethos environment for helping terminally ill people across the UK.
How organisational structures and strategic planning helps businesses achieve their aims and purposes;
Marks & Spencer;
The way that the Marks & Spencer’s
References: Marks & Spencer; St. Gemma’s Hospice;