Wilderness is looking to meet up with his friends, and take a shot at the gold industry, but first he must reach the camp in which his friends are staying. He starts out his day early and follows the riverbed to wear the camp is; followed by his husky named Pepper. He uses pepper to detect and holes in the ice, but his feet plunge into the icy water nevertheless. He worked quickly, for if he was not quick about it he could lose some toes to frostbite; but a branch of snow breaks off, and distinguishes his fire. Nature bested him again but
he won't give up, he tries to light another fire but can't get the matches or tinder because his hands or frozen. He soon tries to kill pepper in an attempt to warm his hands and relight the fire, but he's not agile enough. His animalistic attempts to defy nature cannot save him and soon dyes of hypothermia, and nature trumps man.