Communication is the sharing of information for a variety of purposes including informing, persuading, motivating orinfluencing. There are two general ways of delivering the information: formal and informal communication channels.
Formal Communication in the Workplace
Formal communication is organized and managed information that is shared with relevant individuals in order to secure coordinated action throughout the organization. Formal communication channels are based on an individual’s role in the organization and distributed in an organized way according to the established chain in organizational charts.
Typically, formal communication flows “downward” from executives to directors to managers to staff regarding company direction and instruction and “upward” from staff to managers to directors to executives in the form of data and reports. The communication flowing through these channels is specific to the jobs and departments.
Such formal communication is well established and planned. For example, reports and data from staff are organized are generally submitted in prescribed templates and according to a set schedule. Communication focused on a company’s strategy and direction, which originates from company executives, is funnelled through the organizational chart and changed in such a way to be relevant to each department and manager. What starts out as “high-level” communication on corporate strategy needs to be thought out through planning sessions so that the communication provides direction and is actionable for the individuals who implement the tasks of the strategy. The